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Sgorr nam Fiannaidh - Aonach Eagach

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If scrambling along narrow rocky ridges isn't for you this walk may be

Fully Booked

About this event

The Aonach Eagach, or Notched Ridge, in Glencoe is famed as being the longest and narrowest ridge on the mainland of Scotland. In it's entirety the ridge is 10km long, stretching from the Devil's Staircase in the east, all the way to the Pap of Glencoe in the west. Where the ridge gains it's reputation, however, is the fearsome narrow and exposed 2km long section, which separate the two Munro summits of Meall Dearg and Sgorr nam Fiannaidh. With considerable exposure throughout, a full traverse of the ridge requires a high level of confidence and the ability to competently scramble at up to Grade 2/3. Sections of the traverse are technically a moderate rock climb and the use of a rope is not at all out of place. Quite understandably, this route is not for everyone, and for those of you who enjoy hill-walking, but are not keen to tackle the ridge, there is thankfully an alternative way to visit the Munro summits avoiding all the difficulties. Sgorr nam Fiannaidh is located towards the western end of the ridge and is the higher of the two Munros. The summit offers sensational views looking back along the length of the Aonach Eagach ridge and down towards Loch Linnhe and Loch Leven, and the narrows at Ballachulish Bridge. Looking north from the summit a huge tangle of peaks, including the mighty Ben Nevis, are all clearly seen. We will start our walk from near to Glencoe Village and the famous Clachaig Inn. Our route starts out steeply and aims towards the bealach separating Sgorr nam Fiannaidh with the iconic summit of Sgorr na Ciche or, as it's more commonly known, the Pap of Glencoe. After some distance we leave this path and aim more directly towards the summit. There are traces of path and at times there is some loose scree but never is the going too challenging. For those with plenty of energy we have the option to extend our walk by visiting the Pap of Glencoe. At sunset, there is no better view to be had! Online booking for this event is available on the following dates: No scheduled dates - Enquire for private guiding For more information about our route and the terrain, the level of difficulty, the amount of experience required and level of fitness, please follow the 'Useful Info' link on the Menu bar at the top of the site homepage. Here you will also find the 'Kit List' link providing recommendations on essential kit you will need to bring with you.

Upcoming Dates

Cancellation Policy

If you choose to cancel your booking : Booking cancellations must be made in writing. If you cancel more than 28 days before an event takes place, your payment will be refunded minus a £10 booking deposit. If you cancel 28 days or less before an event takes place, no payment will be returned. We do not offer credit towards future events in place of a refund. We strongly recommend you take out appropriate holiday insurance to cover for unforeseen events that may cause you to cancel your booking. If we have to cancel your booking : Regardless of reason, in the very unlikely event that we have to cancel your booking, then we will refund your payment in full. We will try and give as much notice as possible. For weather related cancellations, notice could be as short as a couple of days. For other reasons, we would hope to give a fortnight's notice, possibly more. We cannot be held liable for additional costs you may have incurred such as accommodation or transport you may have booked.

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